March 18, 2022
Trailway News: Stepping into Spring
This Sunday marks the first day of spring, and many hikers will be escaping to the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) to enjoy the upcoming warm weather and longer daylight hours. Before you head out on your own A.T. adventures, make sure you are equipped with the skills and gear you need by checking out our Hiker Resource Library. From gear lists and safety information to the latest Trail conditions, you’ll have everything you need to put some spring in your step.

Photo by Harry White
21,000 Acres of A.T. Landscape Permanently Protected
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) celebrates the permanent protection of 21,300 acres of land in Grafton Forest in Maine. This landscape conservation success will permanently conserve access to the A.T. and help protect its panoramic views. The Grafton Forest Conservation Project is led by the Forest Society of Maine and Northeast Wilderness Trust, with the ATC providing essential funding through the Wild East Action Fund.

Photo by Horizonline Pictures
Loving the Trail
Chronicling more than 60 years of work in A.T. conservation and maintenance, David Field shares how experiencing the A.T. – especially as a volunteer Trail worker – can lead to loving the Trail for a lifetime.
Interested in hearing more of David’s story? Check out our myATstory video feature on David’s work and his hopes for the next generation of Trail stewards.
In Other News…
Visit Our Info Table in Harpers Ferry: Starting today, ATC staff and volunteers will host an outdoor information services table from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily (weather dependent). Our Visitor Center remains temporarily closed for cleaning — should the info table be closed due to inclement weather, please call 304.930.5214 x129 to pick up a hangtag or have your hiker photo taken.
Join Our Growing Team: Looking for full-time or seasonal roles that will help protect the A.T.? Visit our Careers page for available opportunities, including Visual Resource Technician and Regional Manager (Smokies & North Carolina).
Additional Support for the Franconia Ridge Trail Loop: One of the White Mountain’s busiest hiking destinations and a segment of the A.T. received dedicated federal funding due to a request from Senator Jeanne Shaheen originally made by the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and supported by the ATC. The ATC’s continued engagement on federal funding issues will help ensure the Trail and surrounding natural areas are protected.
Happy Trails!
Thank you for your continued support and the love you express for the Trail!