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Day Hiking
Ready to begin exploring the Appalachian Trail? Here’s everything you need to know to plan your next (or first) day hike.

Learning about day hikes on the A.T.
A day hike on the Appalachian Trail can be a vigorous hike to an amazing destination or a wonder-filled nature walk. It can be easy or challenging. Here are things to consider and a variety of approaches.

How do I find great day hikes?
Learn what resources can help you find the perfect hike, from websites and apps to books and maps.

When is a good time to go?
Find out what season, time of day, and day of the week are best for hiking the A.T.

What do I need to bring?
Use this handy day hiking checklist to make sure you don’t forget anything important.

Preparing for your A.T. hike
What you need to know before hitting the Trail, including the gear to bring.

Getting to the Trail
See all 200+ parking locations along the entire A.T. on the ATC interactive map, and find transportation options for getting to the Trail.

The A.T. Ethic: Hiking Sustainably

Learn More
Leave No Trace
Please do your part by learning these practices and encourage others to learn about and adopt these techniques which “Leave No Trace” on the Appalachian Trail.

Pooping in the Woods
Learn more about properly disposing of human waste on the A.T., which will help protect the Trail, volunteers, other hikers, and wildlife.

Trail Magic
Trail magic has charmed A.T. long-distance hikers for decades, surfacing as serendipitous experiences. Trail magic just happens!

Safety on the A.T.
Learn about the hazards you may face when hiking the Appalachian Trail and how to best prepare for a safe, healthy hike.

14 State Challenge
The 14-State Challenge is a great way to visit some of the A.T.’s most iconic places in bite-sized pieces. It can be done on family vacations, when you’re traveling on business, or whenever wanderlust strikes.

Report an Incident
While the Appalachian Trail is a relatively safe place to visit, that does not mean that there are not potential dangers while you are hiking or camping. If you see something, say something — this will help us keep the A.T. as safe as possible for our visitors.
Discover More

Plan and Prepare
Hiker Resource Library
A collection of resources for hikers to stay safe, healthy, and responsible on the Appalachian Trail.

COVID-19 Hiking Tips
Staying Safe on the A.T.
Health and safety guidelines for A.T. hikers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Plan and Prepare
Trail Updates
Know before you go — be aware of the latest Appalachian Trail conditions, weather advisories, and reroutes/closures.