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Boundary Program
Corridor Stewardship takes the form of both monitoring and maintenance of the boundaries of the land that helps to preserve the Appalachian Trail. This public land is the backbone of the largest natural corridor that remains east of the Mississippi River, creating a haven and migration path for humans and animals alike. Maintaining the boundaries of this land helps to protect it from encroachments such as motorized vehicles and timber theft.
Rehabbing a boundary includes painting old blazes, some brush cutting to keep the line visible, inspecting or replacing signs, and locating all the metal boundary monuments and witness trees, using GPS, maps and diagrams – like orienteering.
Boundary Resources
A.T. Corridor Stewardship Field Book
Material Safety Data Sheet-Boundary Paint
Guidelines for the use of Boundary Paint
Boundary Equipment Checklist_10-3-13
Encroachment Flow Chart – Updated 3-2014
Tree Stand SOP and Notifications_3-2023