Pennsylvania – UPDATE: Parking Rules – Boiling Springs




The parking lot at 100 Bucher Hill Road in Boiling Springs, PA (also called Fisherman’s parking lot) is re-opened for day-use only. Overnight or long term parking in this lot is not allowed. Please note that the township may close the lot at anytime for town projects. Visitors should follow instructions on posted signs in the lot and find alternative overnight/long-term parking.


The parking lot at 100 Bucher Hill Road in Boiling Springs, PA (also called Fisherman’s parking lot) will be closed to all parking during a construction project to repair the dam and wall along Children’s Lake, adjacent to the Appalachian Trail (A.T.). Work is to begin around September 16, 2022 and is expected to be complete in June 2023. The A.T. will remain open in the area but there will be a fence up to block construction zones.

Visitors should plan to find an alternative parking option. Visit our Transportation Options page to learn more about getting to/from the A.T.


The parking lot at 100 Bucher Hill Road in Boiling Springs, PA is currently closed to overnight parking (also called Fisherman’s parking lot). Visitors should plan to find an alternative overnight parking option. Visit our Transportation Options page to learn more about getting to/from the Appalachian Trail.


For overnight and long-distance hikers, there is parking in Boiling Springs, PA at this location – 100 Bucher Hill Road. While in the past a free permit was required to park there, that is no longer the case. There’s a two week stay limit at the lot and parking is first come, first served. Be sure to have an alternate plan if the parking lot is full.
