Club Happenings

A.T. Community Hikes Sponsored by the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club
The Round Hill, Virginia community became an officially designated A.T. Community in 2019. Since then, a core group of volunteers from the Round Hill A.T. Community have worked with their local A.T. maintaining club, the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) to host community hikes. These community hikes have been instrumental in recruiting volunteers and building community connections. The partnership has benefited Round Hill and the PATC, as Round Hill promotes the Community hike as a Club sponsored event, increasing the reach to new potential volunteers. and streamlining the liability process.

Volunteer Engagement Committee Working to Support Trail Care
The Carolina Mountain Club (CMC) initiated a Volunteer Engagement Committee following the ATC Volunteer Engagement workshop that was held in spring 2022. One member from each of the CMC work crews is on the Volunteer Engagement Committee. Ultimately, the Committee plans to focus on four areas of volunteer engagement: Retention, Recruitment, Groups, and Outreach. Initial work involves visiting and brainstorming with existing CMC work crews, as well as surveying current membership.

Demystifying Trail Work in Georgia
The Georgia Appalachian Trail Club (GATC) shared an article in their recent newsletter that showcases the work of a trail maintainer and the different trail work related volunteer opportunities that their club offers. This kind of information sharing helps eliminate barriers to new participation when recruiting volunteers for trail maintenance (or any volunteer position) by demonstrating exactly what volunteers do in a way that is clear and welcoming for someone who may have never participated before. Read GATC’s newsletter article below.

Leadership Transitions Resource Created by Mid-Atlantic Club
Over the past few years, the Blue Mountain Eagle Climbing Club in Pennsylvania has experienced a large transition in leadership. Historically, each volunteer transitioning out of a leadership position passed along relevant information to the incoming candidate verbally. However, in February 2022 the Club began capturing institutional knowledge by writing a Club Handbook. Once complete, this Handbook will undergo annual reviews to ensure it continues to provide accurate information regarding duties, procedures, as well as laws and policies impact the Club’s operations. Creating a Club Handbook is a great way to ensure smooth operations throughout leadership transitions and provides a great resource for new volunteers still learning their duties.
For more information and resources on creating a Club Handbook please reach out to

Building a Maine Trail Center – The Trail Champions Campaign
Last fall the MATC sought to raise $1,374,000 dollars to build the Maine Trail Center. Known as the Trail Champions Campaign, MATC has seen more than 400 donors contribute $1,858,433 toward the construction of the Maine Trail Center. Unfortunately, due to changes in the economy an additional $406,381 are needed to finish the project. Learn more about the campaign and donate to support its construction.

Social Media Shoutouts!
Here are social media posts from a few A.T. maintaining clubs highlighting the work of A.T. volunteers.