Supporting Partners Across the A.T. Landscape
Wild East Action Fund
The Wild East Action Fund supports projects that accelerate the pace of conservation within the Appalachian Trail landscape.
Since 2018, the Wild East Action Fund has supported a variety of land protection and organizational capacity-building projects that have accelerated the pace of conservation within the Appalachian Trail landscape. This funding opportunity is available to conservation organizations, including nonprofit partners and public agencies, that support the mission of the Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership.
The 2022-2023 grant cycle is closed. The last grant cycles’ criteria, prompts, and budget template are still available for reference below. Please check this website periodically for updates.

2022-2023 Wild East Action Fund Recipients Announced
Ten organizations were selected to receive grants from the Fund, supporting innovative projects that will enhance land protection and conservation efforts across the Appalachian Trail Landscape.
Photo by Stacy Funderburke
Wild East Action Fund - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Wild East Action Fund?
The ultimate goal of the Wild East Action Fund is to accelerate the pace and scale of science- and research-informed Appalachian Trail (A.T.) landscape conservation. We recognize there are multiple ways to achieve this goal, so there are two potential funding opportunities within the Wild East Action Fund:
- Land protection projects
- Conservation planning support
In addition to funding projects that contribute to the permanent protection of the A.T. landscape, we also value projects that enhance capacity for strategic conservation activities; build community support in sustaining the A.T. landscape; and champion an A.T. Landscape that encourages all people to feel welcome, respected, supported and valued.
Please download the program criteria, linked below, for detailed information about these two funding opportunities.
What is the "Wild East"?
The Wild East is another name for the A.T. Landscape. We believe the A.T. is both the backbone AND heart of a large, connected landscape that is vital to all forms of life. The Wild East is inclusive of all values that make the A.T. so exceptional: values like natural resources, history and culture, scenic views, recreation opportunities, and unique towns and communities.
The Wild East Action Fund is one way we seek to achieve the mission of the A.T. Landscape Partnership, or ATLP. The mission of the ATLP is to connect the wild, scenic, and cultural wonders of the A.T. and its surrounding landscape.
Who is eligible for the Wild East Action Fund?
Qualified conservation organizations, including 501(c)(3) nonprofits and public agencies, are eligible for the Wild East Action Fund. Organizations should broadly serve the needs of a geographic area within the A.T. landscape.
How much money is available?
Up to $300,000 is available, in total, for qualified land protection and capacity-building projects.
For land protection projects, applicants are limited to grant requests of $100,000 or less.
For organizational capacity building, applicants are limited to single-year grant requests of $20,000 or less.
When will the grant application period open?
The grant application period typically opens in late summer/early fall of each year.
When will award notifications take place?
While timelines may vary, we expect to notify funding recipients by late November of the corresponding application year.
I received a Wild East Action Fund grant previously. Am I allowed to apply again?
Yes! Previous grant recipients are welcome (and encouraged) to apply again for consideration.
What projects have been awarded in the past?
View a historical record of previous Wild East Action Fund (WEAF) recipients and how their work will help advance Appalachian Trail Landscape Protection.
Who can I contact if I have questions?
If you have additional questions about the Wild East Action Fund, or if you would like to talk to someone about your project and its eligibility, please contact Max Olsen at
Sample Documents for Wild East Action Fund Applications
Although the 2022-2023 grant cycle is closed, the documents available for download below can help you prepare for future grant applications. We will announce the application dates later this year, so be sure to check back periodically for updates.

2022 Wild East Action Fund
Program Criteria
View the criteria for detailed guidance on funding opportunities, project evaluation, and organization eligibility.
2022 Wild East Action Fund
Description Prompts & Guidelines
All applicants should review and follow the application guidelines for the successful submission of your grant.
DownloadThe Wild East Action Fund is administered by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (ATC) on behalf of the Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership. The generous donor support of the ATC helps fulfill the mission to protect the trail and the landscape beyond the footpath through programs like the Wild East Action Fund.
Discover More

The A.T. Landscape Partnership
A Dynamic Approach to Landscape Conservation
The Appalachian Trail Landscape Partnership is a dedicated coalition of local, state and federal partners led by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy and the National Park Service.

A Strong Future
As stewards of the Appalachian Trail, our goal is to ensure it will be enjoyed for centuries to come.

Official Blog
Partnering for A.T. Landscape Protection
A massive amount of collaboration and shared dedication is required to ensure A.T. landscapes are conserved.