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Land Protection and Community Support in Virginia and West Virginia
The ATC frequently works with partners and developers to address potential impacts of permitted projects near the Trail. One of these projects, the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), crosses the Appalachian Trail through southeast West Virginia and southwest Virginia.
To achieve the best available outcome for the Trail, the ATC entered into a $19.5 million voluntary stewardship agreement with The Conservation Fund and MVP. As of January 2024, nearly $9 million has been utilized to acquire and protect 3,665 acres of land in Virginia and West Virginia while permanently safeguarding sections of the footpath and preserving scenic views along the A.T. The funds have also been directed towards improving access points, trailheads, environmental education programs, and enhancing the overall experience for all visitors.
The remainder of the stewardship funds will be made available to the ATC for conservation and community projects once the MVP project is complete.
View a fact sheet to learn more about the voluntary stewardship agreement and the projects it has funded.
Conservation Spotlight: McAfee Vista Preserve
The ATC’s McAfee Vista Preserve was established in November 2023 to conserve the A.T. viewshed and improve habitat connectivity.