by Anne Baker, ATC's marketing assistant
Stop for a drink—on the rocks
September 2, 2015
Sometimes the best discoveries are made while you’re sitting down. Like that time when you were out on the Trail, enjoying your ramen or peanut butter while perched on a rock. You may have watched an ant crawl by, carrying a crumb to its colony; you might have noticed a particular kind of bird for the very first time. The point is observation.
The Appalachian Trail is about you learning how to enjoy and appreciate what’s around you, whether it’s the scenery, the people, the towns, the weather, or even those dang shelter mice. Sometimes that means you’ll have to sit down and reflect (on and off the Trail), and we hope this blog will help you on that journey.
So—take a seat, grab a drink, and check back with us regularly. And don’t forget to leave us some love below.