Section-hikers and thru-hikers who complete the entire A.T. can report their journeys to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy by filling out the Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application. Those who submit their applications will be added to our online roster of 2,000-milers and will receive a certificate of recognition, an A.T. patch, and an accompanying 2,000-miler “rocker” patch. Our complete online 2,000-miler listing of all years is updated periodically.

KREBS, Dennis 'Finisher'; ME, United States, NOBO
Kravitz, Noah 'Puffdaddy Fluffanutter'; NY, United States, NOBO
Kreiser, Jake ; NJ, United States, NOBO
Kucia, David 'Grouse'; CT, United States, NOBO
Kuerbis, Mark 'Canada Dry'; BC, Canada, NOBO
Kurtzke, Michael 'Signal'; Hamburg, Germany, NOBO
Laird, Angelika 'THT (the hiking tomato)'; PA, United States, NOBO
Lamb, Wesley 'Bugz'; FL, United States, NOBO
Lang, Bruce ; TN, United States
Lang, Pauline ; TN, United States
Lanning, Justin 'Lancelot'; NC, United States
Laperche, Andrew 'Clamcake'; FL, United States, NOBO
Lathrop, Eric 'Smackdad'; GA, United States, NOBO
Lathrop, Paige 'Rage'; GA, United States, NOBO
Lee, Joseph 'Joehio'; OH, United States, NOBO
Lee, Juseok 'Break Away'; Yangcheon-gu, Korea, NOBO
Leech, John 'Tigger'; MO, United States, NOBO
Lefebvre, Noah 'RadioShack'; MA, United States, NOBO
Legler, Ethan 'Power Finger'; GA, United States, NOBO
Lehman, Ben 'Plan B'; IN, United States, SOBO
Lemerande, Joe 'Hendrix'; MO, United States, SOBO
Leo-Johnson, Susan 'Season One'; MA, United States, NOBO
Levering, Kimery 'Sparx'; NY, United States, NOBO
Levy, Brandon 'Lost Boy'; MA, United States, NOBO
Lewis, Amy 'Eeyore'; FL, United States, NOBO
Licata, James 'Freight Train'; TN, United States, NOBO
Liebowitz, Sarah 'Skunk'; MA, United States,
Liepe, Macie 'Hawaii'; CT, United States, NOBO
zur Linden, Marie 'Marie'; Germany, NOBO
Lo, Eric 'Faith'; NV, United States, NOBO
Locher, Charles 'Sir Snapper'; TN, United States, NOBO
Loebel-Messer, Thomas 'Brightside'; Midlothian, United Kingdom, NOBO
Lopez, Monica 'Heimlich'; OH, United States,
Lover, Christopher 'Mad Taco'; ME, United States, NOBO
Luck, Riley 'Forager'; NY, United States, NOBO
Luthi, Charlene 'Kiosk'; PA, United States
Lutz, Dominik 'Stumbles'; Baden Württemberg, Germany, NOBO
MacNeil, Calum 'Gollum'; Scotland, United Kingdom, NOBO
MacNeil, Kerry 'Fizzy'; Scotland, United Kingdom, NOBO
Madhavan-Reese, John 'Rama'; MI, United States
Maguire, Kimberly 'MoJo'; NY, United States, NOBO
Makofski, William 'Blizzard'; NY, United States, NOBO
Malchman, Noah 'Flying Squirrel'; NJ, United States, NOBO
Mallari, Sean 'Mosey'; MA, United States, NOBO
Maloney, Jack 'Yogi'; FL, United States,
Manchester, Jill 'Bad*ss Nana'; ME, United States
Margulis-Ohnuma, Miranda 'Vista'; NY, United States, NOBO
Marshall, Maxwell 'Red'; PA, United States, NOBO
Martin, Rebekah 'Pacer'; PA, United States, NOBO
Martin, Dennis 'Blaze'; MD, United States, NOBO
Masanow, Josh 'Pigpen'; FL, United States, NOBO
Mason, Greg 'Gambit'; NC, United States, NOBO
McCalla, Gwendolyn 'Newt'; RI, United States, NOBO
McCorkle, Jeffrey 'Relentless'; OH, United States, NOBO
McDermott, James 'Bold'; NJ, United States, NOBO
McGhee, Ann 'Meriwether'; VA, United States,
McGhee, Mack 'Pot Luck'; VA, United States,
McGillivray, Shay 'TwentythreeNineteen'; MA, United States, NOBO
McInally, Michael 'Master Splinter'; FL, United States, NOBO
McKnight, Todd 'Bounce'; OH, United States, NOBO
McKool, Jackie 'Kool 91'; NC, United States
McLaughlin, Josiah 'Chaser'; CO, United States, NOBO
McLaughlin, Ed '2'; CT, United States, NOBO
McLaughlin, Chloee 'Bearfoot'; CO, United States, NOBO
McMahon, Sean 'Branches'; FL, United States, NOBO
McQuerry, Richard 'Ricky Bobby'; KY, United States, NOBO
Meier, Mitchell 'Google'; IA, United States, NOBO
Meller, Penny 'Kaleidoscope'; PA, United States
Metzger, Patrick 'Frodo'; Baden-Württemberg, Germany, NOBO
Millaud, Ariel 'Hootie'; CA, United States, NOBO
Miller, Irene 'Gloss'; United States, NOBO
Miller, Todd 'Timeout'; KS, United States, NOBO
Miller, Luke 'PepperJack'; MA, United States, NOBO
Mills, Ryan 'Astro'; VA, United States, NOBO
Misch, Scott 'Boomer'; OH, United States, NOBO
Modugno, Sophia 'Chattaa'; NY, United States, NOBO
Montanez, Ivan 'Ivan'; MD, United States, NOBO
Monteith, Lindsey 'Dichotomous Key (DK)'; VA, United States, NOBO
Montes, Eric 'Styles'; United States, NOBO
Moody, Michaela 'Lightning'; PA, United States, NOBO
Moore, Shawn 'SunnySide'; CO, United States,
Moore, Linda 'Ghosthiker'; TN, United States
Morgan, Matthew 'Triple 1'; GA, United States, NOBO
Moriarty, Riley 'WhiteClaw'; NY, United States, NOBO
Morley, Liam 'Marathon'; MA, United States, NOBO
Morrow, Rick 'Gravy'; TN, United States, NOBO
Moulder, James 'Quasimodo'; SC, United States, NOBO
Mularcik, Frank 'Snowman'; OH, United States, SOBO
Mund, Alecia 'Midnight'; CO, United States, NOBO
Murray, Kenneth 'CS (Camino Senior)'; Victoria, Australia, NOBO
Myer, Rodney '72 Pickup'; MN, United States, NOBO
Nestle, Austin 'Atlas'; GA, United States, NOBO
Neuhauser, Sue 'Firefly'; CA, United States, NOBO
Neumeier, Christian 'German Yankee'; NY, United States,
Nguyen, Cong '007'; OH, United States, NOBO
Nice, Brian 'Blazer'; United States, NOBO
Noah, Kelsey 'Bobsled'; CO, United States, NOBO
Northrup, Samuel 'Polar'; NJ, United States, NOBO
Nuoffer, Kelsey 'Rabbit'; MI, United States, NOBO
O’Brien, Allison 'High Noon'; MD, United States, NOBO
ODonnell, Ryan 'Speedboat'; PA, United States, NOBO
Oldfield, Norma 'Korok'; MD, United States, NOBO
Ortiz, Steve 'Survivor'; TN, United States
Owens, Keith 'Hitch'; VA, United States, NOBO
Pacey, Neil 'Ripple'; Cumbria, United Kingdom, NOBO
Padgett, Tyler 'Big Red'; CO, United States, NOBO
Palfy, Peggy 'Moxie Mama aka Nameless'; TN, United States,
Papineau, Christian 'Papi'; QC, Canada, NOBO
Parins, Thomas 'Glass'; WI, United States, NOBO
Parliament, Don 'Yard Sail'; ON, Canada, NOBO
van der Pas, Loes 'Fire Magic'; Netherlands, NOBO
Patterson, David 'Quipdraw'; PA, United States
Pearson, John 'Magellan'; FL, United States, NOBO
Peck, Adam 'PacMan'; MD, United States, NOBO
Pedrazas, David 'Reset'; UT, United States
Pellegrini, Gordon 'commissioner'; NY, United States, NOBO
Pepin, Emily 'Sunshine'; FL, United States,
Perkins, Emma 'Tornado'; United States, NOBO
Perrot, Jason 'Jasper'; OH, United States, NOBO
Peter, Zoltan 'Zorro'; ON, Canada, NOBO
1 2 3 4 5
ATC Ribbon


Dennis 'Finisher' KREBS

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah 'Puffdaddy Fluffanutter' Kravitz

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jake '' Kreiser

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Grouse' Kucia

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'Canada Dry' Kuerbis

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Signal' Kurtzke

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Angelika 'THT (the hiking tomato)' Laird

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Wesley 'Bugz' Lamb

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bruce '' Lang

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Pauline '' Lang

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Justin 'Lancelot' Lanning

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrew 'Clamcake' Laperche

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Smackdad' Lathrop

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Paige 'Rage' Lathrop

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joseph 'Joehio' Lee

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Juseok 'Break Away' Lee

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Tigger' Leech

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah 'RadioShack' Lefebvre

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ethan 'Power Finger' Legler

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ben 'Plan B' Lehman

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joe 'Hendrix' Lemerande

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Susan 'Season One' Leo-Johnson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kimery 'Sparx' Levering

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brandon 'Lost Boy' Levy

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Amy 'Eeyore' Lewis

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Freight Train' Licata

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sarah 'Skunk' Liebowitz

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Macie 'Hawaii' Liepe

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marie 'Marie' zur Linden

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Faith' Lo

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Charles 'Sir Snapper' Locher

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Brightside' Loebel-Messer

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Monica 'Heimlich' Lopez

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Mad Taco' Lover

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Riley 'Forager' Luck

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Charlene 'Kiosk' Luthi

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dominik 'Stumbles' Lutz

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Calum 'Gollum' MacNeil

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kerry 'Fizzy' MacNeil

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Rama' Madhavan-Reese

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kimberly 'MoJo' Maguire

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William 'Blizzard' Makofski

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah 'Flying Squirrel' Malchman

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sean 'Mosey' Mallari

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jack 'Yogi' Maloney

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jill 'Bad*ss Nana' Manchester

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Miranda 'Vista' Margulis-Ohnuma

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maxwell 'Red' Marshall

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rebekah 'Pacer' Martin

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dennis 'Blaze' Martin

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josh 'Pigpen' Masanow

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Greg 'Gambit' Mason

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Gwendolyn 'Newt' McCalla

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeffrey 'Relentless' McCorkle

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Bold' McDermott

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ann 'Meriwether' McGhee

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mack 'Pot Luck' McGhee

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shay 'TwentythreeNineteen' McGillivray

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Master Splinter' McInally

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Todd 'Bounce' McKnight

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jackie 'Kool 91' McKool

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josiah 'Chaser' McLaughlin

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ed '2' McLaughlin

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chloee 'Bearfoot' McLaughlin

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sean 'Branches' McMahon

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Richard 'Ricky Bobby' McQuerry

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mitchell 'Google' Meier

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Penny 'Kaleidoscope' Meller

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Patrick 'Frodo' Metzger

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ariel 'Hootie' Millaud

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Irene 'Gloss' Miller

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Todd 'Timeout' Miller

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Luke 'PepperJack' Miller

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ryan 'Astro' Mills

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Scott 'Boomer' Misch

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sophia 'Chattaa' Modugno

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ivan 'Ivan' Montanez

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lindsey 'Dichotomous Key (DK)' Monteith

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Styles' Montes

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michaela 'Lightning' Moody

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shawn 'SunnySide' Moore

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Linda 'Ghosthiker' Moore

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew 'Triple 1' Morgan

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Riley 'WhiteClaw' Moriarty

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Liam 'Marathon' Morley

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rick 'Gravy' Morrow

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Quasimodo' Moulder

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Frank 'Snowman' Mularcik

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alecia 'Midnight' Mund

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kenneth 'CS (Camino Senior)' Murray

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rodney '72 Pickup' Myer

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Austin 'Atlas' Nestle

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sue 'Firefly' Neuhauser

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christian 'German Yankee' Neumeier

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Cong '007' Nguyen

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brian 'Blazer' Nice

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kelsey 'Bobsled' Noah

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Samuel 'Polar' Northrup

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kelsey 'Rabbit' Nuoffer

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Allison 'High Noon' O’Brien

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ryan 'Speedboat' ODonnell

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Norma 'Korok' Oldfield

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Steve 'Survivor' Ortiz

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Keith 'Hitch' Owens

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Neil 'Ripple' Pacey

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tyler 'Big Red' Padgett

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Peggy 'Moxie Mama aka Nameless' Palfy

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christian 'Papi' Papineau

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Glass' Parins

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Don 'Yard Sail' Parliament

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Loes van der Pas

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Quipdraw' Patterson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Magellan' Pearson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Adam 'PacMan' Peck

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Reset' Pedrazas

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Gordon 'commissioner' Pellegrini

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Emily 'Sunshine' Pepin

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Emma 'Tornado' Perkins

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jason 'Jasper' Perrot

In recognition for hiking 2197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zoltan 'Zorro' Peter

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail