Section-hikers and thru-hikers who complete the entire A.T. can report their journeys to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy by filling out the Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application. Those who submit their applications will be added to our online roster of 2,000-milers and will receive a certificate of recognition, an A.T. patch, and an accompanying 2,000-miler “rocker” patch. Our complete online 2,000-miler listing of all years is updated periodically.

Acer, Emily 'Sunrise'; CA, United States
Allen, Bradley 'Bonus'; VA, United States
Anderson, Matthew ; NC, United States,
Anderson, Adam 'Waterboy'; WV, United States, NOBO
Andrie, Chloe 'Cricket'; CO, United States
Ashbaugh, Austin 'Ash'; GA, United States,
Atkinson, Tara 'BAM - Bad Ass Mom'; OR, United States, NOBO
Audet, Roger 'HUGE'; NH, United States, NOBO
Austin, Dax ; OH, United States, NOBO
BROWN, Tom 'Traverse'; WI, United States
Bailey, Rod 'Riverrunner'; United States
Baker, Angie ; IN, United States
Balbuena, Betsy 'Rusty'; NC, United States, NOBO
Ball, Jennifer 'p.a.l.'; ID, United States, NOBO
Barbieri, Stephen 'Solar'; FL, United States, NOBO
Barrett-Snow, Lizz 'Slugger'; IN, United States, NOBO
Barrington, Stephen 'BitterSweet'; Wicklow, Ireland, NOBO
Baxter, Weston 'Lone Star'; IL, United States, NOBO
Beecher, Michael 'Quick on the Draw'; United Kingdom, NOBO
Bentrem, Kelsey 'Good Moss'; IL, United States, NOBO
Bevens, Liam 'Kachow'; MA, United States, NOBO
Birchfield, Maynard 'Beatnik'; VA, United States, NOBO
Bishop, Julie 'SeaLevel'; FL, United States
Bolduc, Lawrence 'Dewey'; MA, United States, NOBO
Brady, Steven '“Last Call”'; WV, United States, NOBO
Brown, Chris 'Bean Buster'; WI, United States
Bullock, Ian 'Hellbender'; NC, United States, NOBO
Burke, Spencer 'Nightwatch'; NH, United States, NOBO
Byar, Mika 'Tomcat'; MI, United States, NOBO
Caldwell, Noah 'Flash'; CO, United States, NOBO
Callahan, Sean 'Hoot'; MS, United States, NOBO
Campbell, Bobby 'Sloggy'; ME, United States, NOBO
Carpentier, Prune 'Pixie'; NY, United States, NOBO
Carrico, Larry 'Bluegrass'; KY, United States, NOBO
Carroll, Tori 'Seamoss'; ME, United States, NOBO
Carter, Catherine 'WayWalker'; TN, United States, NOBO
Chapman, Scott 'Ragnar'; FL, United States, NOBO
Christman, James 'ScatMaster'; United States, NOBO
Church, Hamilton '6FT'; VA, United States, NOBO
Collins, Zachary 'Small Claims'; NY, United States, NOBO
Cooke, Anna 'Survey'; PA, United States, NOBO
Coon, Robert 'Just Bob'; NC, United States, NOBO
Cornel, Anneloes 'Judge'; Overijssel, Netherlands, NOBO
Craig, Rachel 'Casper'; TX, United States, NOBO
Crim, Kevin 'Touch and Go'; NE, United States
Crumpton, Matthew 'Fenix'; United States, NOBO
Curtis, Jasmine 'Echidna'; AL, United States, NOBO
Dailey, Margaret 'Rock Lizard'; OH, United States
Dailey, Jesse 'Branch'; OH, United States
Dashti, Hussain 'Rolodex'; Kuwait, NOBO
Davis, Morgan 'Grasshopper'; CT, United States, NOBO
Dawson, Danny 'All-in(-one)'; CA, United States, NOBO
Dawson, Judith 'Petunia'; NY, United States, NOBO
Denman, Bryan 'Ghost'; IN, United States, NOBO
Dolomount, Stephanie 'T-Bone'; ON, Canada, NOBO
Donelson, Conner 'Thunder Thighs'; FL, United States, NOBO
Dowdy, James 'Amicus'; KY, United States
Dowdy, Callie 'Nano'; KY, United States
Dreese, Joseph 'Style'; PA, United States, NOBO
Drenner, Kyle 'Hot Fry'; TN, United States, NOBO
DuFord, Jennifer 'Snack Pack'; NV, United States
Elliott, Michael 'TBone'; FL, United States, NOBO
Ellsworth, Russell 'Bad News'; MA, United States
Erdem, Ihsan 'Lobster'; NY, United States, NOBO
Faris, Davin 'Ukie'; MD, United States, NOBO
Farnsworth, Maxwell ; PA, United States, NOBO
Fielding, John 'Frontier'; IL, United States, NOBO
Finkel, Mark 'Rack'; OH, United States, NOBO
Fox, Sarah 'Pigpen'; NC, United States, NOBO
Frederick, Georgetta 'Trail Mama'; PA, United States, NOBO
Frieden, Timothy 'Sticks'; CT, United States, NOBO
Friedman, Eli 'Legs'; IL, United States, NOBO
Gabehart, James 'Rainstorm'; TX, United States, NOBO
Gale, Thomas 'Wolfman'; NC, United States, NOBO
Garlough, Zebulun 'Hawk'; OH, United States, NOBO
Garner, Elizabeth 'Cookie'; ME, United States, NOBO
George, Julie 'Mountain Goat'; GA, United States, NOBO
Gilbert, Corey 'ZZ'; NC, United States, NOBO
Going, John 'GG'; VA, United States
Grabski, Jonathan 'Star Trooper'; NC, United States, NOBO
Graves, Eric 'Stoneheart'; GA, United States
Grimes, Thomas 'Party Foul'; United States, NOBO
Groetsch, Clay 'Meatball'; CA, United States, NOBO
Grundy, Stephen 'Econoline'; BC, Canada, NOBO
Gutierrez, Charles 'Boomerang'; MT, United States, NOBO
Haas, Louis 'Lucifier'; PA, United States
Haas, Maddi ; WI, United States, NOBO
Hall, Lawson 'Bear Spray'; FL, United States, NOBO
Harborne, Robert 'Windy'; Hampshire, United Kingdom, NOBO
Harris, Roger 'Feel Free'; NJ, United States, NOBO
Hassett, Joey 'Tatanka'; NY, United States, NOBO
Haverkamp, Rod 'Arod'; AL, United States, NOBO
Hegeberg, Juliann 'Duck'; WA, United States, NOBO
Henderson, Brannon 'Payday'; NY, United States, NOBO
Hernandez, Alexander 'Squirrel'; VA, United States, NOBO
Higginson, John 'Sir Cadillac'; FL, United States, NOBO
Hill, Craig 'Drifter'; MI, United States, NOBO
Himstedt, Curtis 'Easily Forgotten'; MO, United States, SOBO
Hodges, John 'Ready'; NC, United States, NOBO
Hoffmeyer, Kate 'Cheerio'; VA, United States
Hostetler, Nancy 'Local'; PA, United States, NOBO
Howard, James 'Sarge'; IL, United States, NOBO
Huber, Eric 'Gooch Hooch'; ME, United States, NOBO
Hurst, Mark 'Restless Soul'; FL, United States, NOBO
Isham, Joshua 'Crease'; MI, United States, NOBO
Jacquette, Charles 'Plan Bee'; MD, United States
Jarashow, Lisa 'Sun Up'; NY, United States, NOBO
Jarnac, Drew 'The Juice'; NC, United States, NOBO
Jenkins, Tom 'QUIRK'; SC, United States, NOBO
Jensen, Claire 'Bots'; WI, United States, NOBO
Jeter, Susan 'Stargazer'; GA, United States
Johnson, Ron 'Neo'; NC, United States,
Johnston, Stuart 'Keys'; FL, United States
Jones, Jeremy 'BAM! Coleman'; NC, United States
Jones, Andrew 'Pace'; United Kingdom, NOBO
Jones, Jerald 'Joker'; NJ, United States
de Jonge, Chris 'Picky'; Groningen, Netherlands, NOBO
Dacey Jr, James 'Shamrock'; NC, United States, NOBO
Judge, Kelsey 'Special K'; WI, United States, NOBO
baird, andrew 'J-Walker'; TN, United States, NOBO
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ATC Ribbon


Emily 'Sunrise' Acer

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bradley 'Bonus' Allen

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew '' Anderson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Adam 'Waterboy' Anderson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chloe 'Cricket' Andrie

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Austin 'Ash' Ashbaugh

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tara 'BAM - Bad Ass Mom' Atkinson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Roger 'HUGE' Audet

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dax '' Austin

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tom 'Traverse' BROWN

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rod 'Riverrunner' Bailey

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Angie '' Baker

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Betsy 'Rusty' Balbuena

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jennifer 'p.a.l.' Ball

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'Solar' Barbieri

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lizz 'Slugger' Barrett-Snow

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'BitterSweet' Barrington

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Weston 'Lone Star' Baxter

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Quick on the Draw' Beecher

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kelsey 'Good Moss' Bentrem

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Liam 'Kachow' Bevens

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maynard 'Beatnik' Birchfield

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Julie 'SeaLevel' Bishop

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lawrence 'Dewey' Bolduc

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Steven '“Last Call”' Brady

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Bean Buster' Brown

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ian 'Hellbender' Bullock

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Spencer 'Nightwatch' Burke

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mika 'Tomcat' Byar

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah 'Flash' Caldwell

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sean 'Hoot' Callahan

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bobby 'Sloggy' Campbell

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Prune 'Pixie' Carpentier

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Larry 'Bluegrass' Carrico

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tori 'Seamoss' Carroll

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Catherine 'WayWalker' Carter

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Scott 'Ragnar' Chapman

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'ScatMaster' Christman

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Hamilton '6FT' Church

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zachary 'Small Claims' Collins

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anna 'Survey' Cooke

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Just Bob' Coon

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anneloes 'Judge' Cornel

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rachel 'Casper' Craig

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kevin 'Touch and Go' Crim

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew 'Fenix' Crumpton

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jasmine 'Echidna' Curtis

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Margaret 'Rock Lizard' Dailey

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jesse 'Branch' Dailey

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Hussain 'Rolodex' Dashti

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Morgan 'Grasshopper' Davis

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Danny 'All-in(-one)' Dawson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Judith 'Petunia' Dawson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bryan 'Ghost' Denman

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephanie 'T-Bone' Dolomount

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Conner 'Thunder Thighs' Donelson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Amicus' Dowdy

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Callie 'Nano' Dowdy

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joseph 'Style' Dreese

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyle 'Hot Fry' Drenner

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jennifer 'Snack Pack' DuFord

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'TBone' Elliott

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Russell 'Bad News' Ellsworth

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ihsan 'Lobster' Erdem

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Davin 'Ukie' Faris

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maxwell '' Farnsworth

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Frontier' Fielding

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'Rack' Finkel

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sarah 'Pigpen' Fox

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Georgetta 'Trail Mama' Frederick

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Timothy 'Sticks' Frieden

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eli 'Legs' Friedman

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Rainstorm' Gabehart

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Wolfman' Gale

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zebulun 'Hawk' Garlough

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elizabeth 'Cookie' Garner

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Julie 'Mountain Goat' George

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Corey 'ZZ' Gilbert

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'GG' Going

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jonathan 'Star Trooper' Grabski

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Stoneheart' Graves

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Party Foul' Grimes

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Clay 'Meatball' Groetsch

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'Econoline' Grundy

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Charles 'Boomerang' Gutierrez

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Louis 'Lucifier' Haas

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maddi '' Haas

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lawson 'Bear Spray' Hall

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Windy' Harborne

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Roger 'Feel Free' Harris

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joey 'Tatanka' Hassett

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rod 'Arod' Haverkamp

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Juliann 'Duck' Hegeberg

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brannon 'Payday' Henderson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alexander 'Squirrel' Hernandez

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Sir Cadillac' Higginson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Craig 'Drifter' Hill

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Curtis 'Easily Forgotten' Himstedt

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Ready' Hodges

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kate 'Cheerio' Hoffmeyer

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nancy 'Local' Hostetler

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Sarge' Howard

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Gooch Hooch' Huber

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'Restless Soul' Hurst

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joshua 'Crease' Isham

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Charles 'Plan Bee' Jacquette

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lisa 'Sun Up' Jarashow

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Drew 'The Juice' Jarnac

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tom 'QUIRK' Jenkins

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Claire 'Bots' Jensen

In recognition for hiking 2,197.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Susan 'Stargazer' Jeter

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ron 'Neo' Johnson

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stuart 'Keys' Johnston

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeremy 'BAM! Coleman' Jones

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrew 'Pace' Jones

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jerald 'Joker' Jones

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Picky' de Jonge

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Shamrock' Dacey Jr

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kelsey 'Special K' Judge

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


andrew 'J-Walker' baird

In recognition for hiking 0 miles of the Appalachian Trail