Section-hikers and thru-hikers who complete the entire A.T. can report their journeys to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy by filling out the Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application. Those who submit their applications will be added to our online roster of 2,000-milers and will receive a certificate of recognition, an A.T. patch, and an accompanying 2,000-miler “rocker” patch. Our complete online 2,000-miler listing of all years is updated periodically.

Nagaraj, Gautam 'Hiawatha'; NC, United States, NOBO
Nakovich, Griffin 'NEO'; NC, United States, NOBO
Naro, Jake 'Tortuga'; WV, United States, NOBO
Negaard, Allison 'Snore'; FL, United States, NOBO
Nelson, Dolph 'Dr. Pepper'; GA, United States, NOBO
Nesset, Maggie 'Deets'; CO, United States, NOBO
Neumayr, Erwin 'Bane'; Austria, NOBO
Neumayr, Corina 'Nutella'; Austria, NOBO
Neumayr, Corina 'Nutella'; Austria, NOBO
Neumayr, Erwin 'Bane'; Austria, NOBO
Newby, Laura 'Major'; VA, United States, NOBO
Newton, Mark 'DISE'; NJ, United States, NOBO
Nham, Xung 'Lighthouse'; VA, United States, NOBO
Nieman, Kathryn 'Siren'; CT, United States, NOBO
Nitchman, Jordan 'Pig-Pen'; MO, United States, NOBO
Noake, James 'PFT'; London, United Kingdom, NOBO
Norden, Josh 'GroundHog'; GA, United States, NOBO
Norton, Elyse 'Voldemort'; VT, United States
Nottingham, Kade 'Caesar'; NC, United States, NOBO
Nunes, Peter 'Stagger'; RI, United States
O’Brien, Michelle 'Ultra'; NY, United States,
O’Donahue, Cassandra ; FL, United States, NOBO
O’Donnell, Conor 'Santa'; NE, United States, NOBO
O’Hayre, Pat 'Viking'; MA, United States, NOBO
O’Neill, Sarah ; MI, United States, NOBO
O’Sullivan, Patrick 'Saint Patrick'; OR, United States, NOBO
O?Connor, Erin 'Mushroom'; VA, United States, NOBO
OBrien, Kristin 'PUB'; NC, United States, NOBO
Odierna, Matthew 'Mountain Goat'; OH, United States, NOBO
Oledan, Jimin 'NotLost'; OH, United States, NOBO
Olejar, Michelle 'Puff'; PA, United States, NOBO
Olejar, Jason 'Huff'; PA, United States, NOBO
Oliver, Kirby 'Foxy'; VA, United States, NOBO
Orieux, Baptiste ; France, NOBO
Orloff, Conrad 'Captain Nemo'; MD, United States, NOBO
Orloff, Emma 'Little Fruity'; MD, United States, NOBO
Orr, Greg 'Shepherd'; WA, United States, NOBO
Ortegon, Martin 'Professor Low-Tech'; CA, United States, NOBO
Orzech, Peter 'EQ8'; NC, United States, SOBO
Osborne, Rick 'Rock N Roll'; OH, United States
Osowski, Noah ; MA, United States, SOBO
Oswald, Rachel 'Dreamcatcher'; NC, United States, NOBO
Oswald, Rachel 'Dreamcatcher'; NC, United States, NOBO
Ottati, Anthony 'Mugwort'; CA, United States, NOBO
Ouellet, Christine 'Mama bear'; QC, Canada, NOBO
Overberg, Christopher 'Lost In Town'; TX, United States, NOBO
Owens, Michael 'Squirt'; MA, United States, NOBO
Owens, Zachery 'Watermelon'; NC, United States, NOBO
Pabst, Elke 'Blue Rabbit'; Niedersachsen, Germany, NOBO
Pace, Brandon 'Globetrotter'; NC, United States, NOBO
Pagano, Aly 'TC'; NC, United States, NOBO
Paladin, Pierre 'Build-a-Bear'; Belgium, NOBO
Palazzo, Stephen 'Near-miss'; CO, United States, NOBO
Pampuro, Paul 'ETSY!!'; MA, United States, NOBO
Parten, Kyler 'Jukebox'; FL, United States, NOBO
Partridge, Joshua 'Comfort'; TX, United States, NOBO
Partridge, Elizabeth ; United Kingdom, NOBO
Patch, Sam 'Toucan'; OR, United States, NOBO
Paternoster, Mike 'Hiker Biker'; NY, United States
Pawloski, Keegan 'IcyHot'; MI, United States, NOBO
Paxton, Ezekiel 'Hornet'; FL, United States, SOBO
Pearson, Jeremy 'JukeboxAndLuna'; PA, United States, NOBO
Peceniak, Jeanne 'happy feet'; IL, United States, NOBO
Pedersen, Anton 'Reese's Cup'; Sweden, NOBO
Pegrum, Josephine 'Elf'; CA, United States, NOBO
Pegues, Robert 'Slug'; MS, United States, NOBO
Peltier, Kyle ; MT, United States, NOBO
Peltonen, Shane ; WI, United States, NOBO
Penny, Sara 'Mosey'; FL, United States, NOBO
Pera, Anthony 'Old Scout'; CA, United States
Perez, Chris 'Blue's Clues'; IN, United States, NOBO
Perivier, Marie '2b'; GA, United States, NOBO
Perrin, Jarid 'Cricket'; IL, United States, NOBO
Perry, Dana 'Pilot'; MA, United States
Perry, Michael 'Willie'; ID, United States, NOBO
Persello, Adam 'Astro'; PA, United States, NOBO
Peterson, Michael 'BLACKSBURG!'; VA, United States, NOBO
Peña, Christopher 'Back Fat'; MT, United States, NOBO
Pfeiffer, Nicholas 'Nope'; OH, United States, NOBO
Pflantz, Oliver 'Sunny'; Germany, NOBO
Phillips, Grant 'Lost N? Found'; TX, United States, SOBO
Phillips, David 'Ghost'; TX, United States, NOBO
Phillips, Jarrod 'Moneyshot'; SC, United States
Pickering, Todd 'Bullwinkle'; NH, United States
Pierce, James 'Twister'; TN, United States, NOBO
Pierce, Mackay 'Firetower'; DC, United States, NOBO
Pierce, Carla 'JustCuz'; FL, United States, NOBO
Pinkowski, Kurt 'Pinky/Animal'; FL, United States,
Pirani, Joseph 'Piranha Joe'; NC, United States, NOBO
Pirnie, Evan 'Flik'; MA, United States, NOBO
Pitt, Garrett 'Gandalf the Black'; NH, United States
Platt, Thomas 'Slowgait-Tomsson'; SC, United States, NOBO
Poff, Robert 'Dob Dobbin'; MO, United States, NOBO
Polidore, Catherine 'Dragon'; MD, United States
Pond, Ryder 'Mouse Feathers'; United States, NOBO
Porcelli, Jay 'Beacon'; NJ, United States, SOBO
Porter, Kevin 'PsyOp'; NC, United States, NOBO
Poston, Jeromi 'Pigeon'; NC, United States, NOBO
Powell, Sarah 'Granny Square'; IN, United States,
Powers, Douglas 'Bear Hang'; TN, United States, NOBO
Powers, Denis 'Tramp'; MD, United States
Prater, Jeffrey 'Turtleback'; VA, United States, SOBO
Prather, Anne 'Groggedy Anne'; KY, United States, NOBO
Preiss, George 'Captain Fantastic'; NC, United States, NOBO
Prendergast, Kevin 'Just Kevin'; MA, United States,
Priest, William 'Masochist'; TN, United States, NOBO
Privett, Nola 'Lunchbreak'; NC, United States, NOBO
Queary, Susan 'Rogue'; WA, United States
Quinliven, Teresa 'Doolittle'; MD, United States, SOBO
Radis, Chuck ; ME, United States
Radloff, Garris 'Adjacent'; IL, United States, SOBO
Rakes, Kristen 'Pigpen'; MD, United States, NOBO
Rakes, Kristen 'Pigpen'; MD, United States, NOBO
Ramsay, Paul 'Root'; NC, United States, SOBO
Randall, Catherine 'Hops'; VA, United States, NOBO
Randles, Eli 'House'; OH, United States, NOBO
Raught, Trent 'Redline'; FL, United States, NOBO
Rawn, Egan 'Big Tuna'; TN, United States, NOBO
pignatelli, alessandra 'Smiley'; QC, Canada, NOBO
1 5 6 7 8 9 10
ATC Ribbon


Gautam 'Hiawatha' Nagaraj

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Griffin 'NEO' Nakovich

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jake 'Tortuga' Naro

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Allison 'Snore' Negaard

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dolph 'Dr. Pepper' Nelson

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maggie 'Deets' Nesset

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Erwin 'Bane' Neumayr

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Corina 'Nutella' Neumayr

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Corina 'Nutella' Neumayr

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Erwin 'Bane' Neumayr

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Laura 'Major' Newby

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'DISE' Newton

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Xung 'Lighthouse' Nham

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kathryn 'Siren' Nieman

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jordan 'Pig-Pen' Nitchman

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'PFT' Noake

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josh 'GroundHog' Norden

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elyse 'Voldemort' Norton

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kade 'Caesar' Nottingham

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Peter 'Stagger' Nunes

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michelle 'Ultra' O’Brien

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Cassandra '' O’Donahue

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Conor 'Santa' O’Donnell

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Pat 'Viking' O’Hayre

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sarah '' O’Neill

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Patrick 'Saint Patrick' O’Sullivan

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Erin 'Mushroom' O?Connor

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kristin 'PUB' OBrien

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew 'Mountain Goat' Odierna

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jimin 'NotLost' Oledan

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michelle 'Puff' Olejar

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jason 'Huff' Olejar

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kirby 'Foxy' Oliver

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Baptiste '' Orieux

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Conrad 'Captain Nemo' Orloff

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Emma 'Little Fruity' Orloff

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Greg 'Shepherd' Orr

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Martin 'Professor Low-Tech' Ortegon

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Peter 'EQ8' Orzech

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rick 'Rock N Roll' Osborne

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah '' Osowski

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rachel 'Dreamcatcher' Oswald

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rachel 'Dreamcatcher' Oswald

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anthony 'Mugwort' Ottati

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christine 'Mama bear' Ouellet

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Lost In Town' Overberg

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Squirt' Owens

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zachery 'Watermelon' Owens

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon



In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elke 'Blue Rabbit' Pabst

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brandon 'Globetrotter' Pace

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Aly 'TC' Pagano

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Pierre 'Build-a-Bear' Paladin

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'Near-miss' Palazzo

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Paul 'ETSY!!' Pampuro

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyler 'Jukebox' Parten

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joshua 'Comfort' Partridge

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elizabeth '' Partridge

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sam 'Toucan' Patch

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mike 'Hiker Biker' Paternoster

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Keegan 'IcyHot' Pawloski

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ezekiel 'Hornet' Paxton

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeremy 'JukeboxAndLuna' Pearson

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeanne 'happy feet' Peceniak

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anton 'Reese's Cup' Pedersen

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josephine 'Elf' Pegrum

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Slug' Pegues

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyle '' Peltier

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shane '' Peltonen

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sara 'Mosey' Penny

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anthony 'Old Scout' Pera

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Blue's Clues' Perez

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marie '2b' Perivier

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jarid 'Cricket' Perrin

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dana 'Pilot' Perry

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Willie' Perry

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Adam 'Astro' Persello

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'BLACKSBURG!' Peterson

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Back Fat' Peña

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nicholas 'Nope' Pfeiffer

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Oliver 'Sunny' Pflantz

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Grant 'Lost N? Found' Phillips

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Ghost' Phillips

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jarrod 'Moneyshot' Phillips

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Todd 'Bullwinkle' Pickering

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


James 'Twister' Pierce

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mackay 'Firetower' Pierce

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Carla 'JustCuz' Pierce

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kurt 'Pinky/Animal' Pinkowski

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joseph 'Piranha Joe' Pirani

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Evan 'Flik' Pirnie

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Garrett 'Gandalf the Black' Pitt

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Slowgait-Tomsson' Platt

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Dob Dobbin' Poff

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Catherine 'Dragon' Polidore

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ryder 'Mouse Feathers' Pond

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jay 'Beacon' Porcelli

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kevin 'PsyOp' Porter

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeromi 'Pigeon' Poston

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sarah 'Granny Square' Powell

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Douglas 'Bear Hang' Powers

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Denis 'Tramp' Powers

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeffrey 'Turtleback' Prater

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anne 'Groggedy Anne' Prather

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


George 'Captain Fantastic' Preiss

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kevin 'Just Kevin' Prendergast

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William 'Masochist' Priest

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nola 'Lunchbreak' Privett

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Susan 'Rogue' Queary

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Teresa 'Doolittle' Quinliven

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chuck '' Radis

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Garris 'Adjacent' Radloff

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kristen 'Pigpen' Rakes

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kristen 'Pigpen' Rakes

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Paul 'Root' Ramsay

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Catherine 'Hops' Randall

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eli 'House' Randles

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Trent 'Redline' Raught

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Egan 'Big Tuna' Rawn

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


alessandra 'Smiley' pignatelli

In recognition for hiking 2198.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail