Section-hikers and thru-hikers who complete the entire A.T. can report their journeys to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy by filling out the Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application. Those who submit their applications will be added to our online roster of 2,000-milers and will receive a certificate of recognition, an A.T. patch, and an accompanying 2,000-miler “rocker” patch. Our complete online 2,000-miler listing of all years is updated periodically.

Cresap, Kyle 'Vintage'; TN, United States, NOBO
Crisp, Samuel 'Richard'; Ohio, United States, NOBO
Cristante, Cory 'Casper'; Connecticut, United States, NOBO
Cristofano, Tony 'Halfway to Nowhere'; FL, United States, NOBO
Critton, Beth 'Left Field'; Connecticut, United States
Crombie, Charles 'Shrooms'; Massachusetts, United States,
Crosby, Andrew 'Acoustic'; New Jersey, United States, NOBO
Crosier, Benjamin 'No Time'; Georgia, United States, NOBO
Crouchet, Courtland 'Bonehead'; LA, United States, SOBO
Crow, Christopher 'Heckle'; NJ, United States
Crow, Ann 'Jeckle'; NJ, United States
Crump, Anne 'Phoenix'; MA, United States,
Cudd, Jennifer 'Teouble'; Georgia, United States, NOBO
Cullen, Taz 'Stitches'; NC, United States, NOBO
Cunfer, Julia 'Teardrop'; Washington, United States, NOBO
Cunningham, Alyssa 'Broadway'; Missouri, United States,
Curley, Bill 'Bald Eagle'; Connecticut, United States
Curry, Becca 'Downfall'; GA, United States,
Curry, Michael 'Jewel'; GA, United States,
Curtis, Galen 'Scarecrow'; United States,
Curtis, Michael 'Mega'; Georgia, United States, NOBO
Cutler, Trevor 'ICE MAN'; Pennsylvania, United States, NOBO
Czartorijskij, John 'Lil' John'; DE, United States, NOBO
Daley, Lauren 'Beanbag'; OR, United States, NOBO
Daley, Timothy 'Tigger'; Oklahoma, United States, NOBO
Daley, Lyndsay 'Blackbird'; MA, United States, NOBO
Dallmus, Christopher 'Fillin In'; Massachusetts, USA
Dancsecs, andrew 'Squirrely'; PA, United States, NOBO
Daniel, Tim 'Chef'; IL, United States, SOBO
Davidson, Brian 'Slipknot'; VA, United States,
Davis, Shawn 'Kookey Moose'; ME, United States
Davis, Dustin 'Clutch'; Ohio, United States
Davis, Robert 'Tree Hugger'; Massachusetts, United States, NOBO
Day, Brian 'Pegasus'; NJ, United States, NOBO
DeFeo, Sean 'CAPITAL'; North Carolina, United States, NOBO
DeGraaf, Noah 'NaviGoat'; FL, United States, SOBO
DeGraaf, Lockett 'Lockett'; FL, United States, SOBO
DeGraaf, Zane 'CareBear'; FL, United States, SOBO
DeHaan, Bruce 'Granddaddy Long Legs'; AL, United States
DeMaagd, Paul 'Rookie'; Texas, United States, NOBO
DeVitto, Jason 'Rolo'; Virginia, United States, NOBO
Dear, Russell 'Sushi Bat'; Virginia, United States, NOBO
Deason, Joseph 'Sleepy'; Florida, United States, NOBO
Deeble, Sam 'Big Dipper'; Dorset, United Kingdom, NOBO
Deem, Tyler 'Red Dawn'; Florida, United States, NOBO
Delisle, Nicolas 'Kick'; Quebec, Canada, NOBO
Dell, Ally 'Chum'; Connecticut, United States, NOBO
Denham, Elizabeth 'Worm'; Louisiana, United States, NOBO
Denoncourt, Paul 'Paladin'; MA, United States,
Desrochers, Matthew 'Special'; Massachusetts, United States, NOBO
DiGiano, Francis 'Il Cuoco'; North Carolina, United States
Diesen, Shelby 'Leapfrog'; MN, United States, NOBO
Dine, Desirae 'Des/Michigama'; MI, United States,
Dinicola, Sandolo 'Mad Hatter'; Florida, United States, NOBO
Dionne, Breanna 'Mapz'; Massachusetts, United States, NOBO
Gomez Domenech, Anna 'Rocks'; New York, United States,
Donoghue, Gregory 'Agony'; Florida, United States, NOBO
Doorn, Steve 'Strider'; New Mexico, United States, NOBO
Dorsey, William ; Tennessee, United States,
Douglas, Westin 'Fiddie'; Virginia, United States, NOBO
Douglas, Marina ; Maine, United States, NOBO
Doyle, Benjamin 'Yueng'; ME, United States, NOBO
Drahos, Johnny 'Jom'; Virginia, United States, SOBO
Drake, Ralston 'Maverick'; GA, United States, NOBO
Drapeau, Nicole 'Strong Arm'; NY, United States, NOBO
DuBois, Eric 'Ducky'; Virginia, United States
Duan, Jim 'Sojo'; Pennsylvania, United States, NOBO
Duarte, Austin 'Macho Man'; Rhode Island, United States, NOBO
Dube, Adam 'Cinnabun'; NH, United States, SOBO
Duchesne, Marc 'Poptart'; New Brunswick, Canada,
Duffy, Caroline 'Fern'; Maine, United States, NOBO
Duncan, Owen 'PeachFuzz'; New Hampshire, United States, NOBO
Dupras, Brett '2x4'; Wisconsin, United States, NOBO
Durrell, Josiah 'Kayak'; Colorado, United States, NOBO
Dus, Jeremy 'Turn-Around'; MA, United States, NOBO
Dutkowski, Rebecca 'Metric'; Victoria, Australia, SOBO
Dutman, Frank 'Heineken'; NH, Netherlands, NOBO
Dyerson, Craig 'Crexit'; Essex, United Kingdom, NOBO
Dzialo, Jessica 'Antelope'; South Carolina, United States, NOBO
Dzialoski, John 'Jello'; MD, United States, NOBO
Dzubay, Laura 'Crossroads'; IN, United States, NOBO
Désourdy, Raphaëlle 'Mismatch'; Quebec, Canada, NOBO
Eaton, Bill 'StillBill'; Ohio, United States
Eck, Darrell 'Old Stag'; Michigan, United States, NOBO
Eddy, Griffith 'Sandworm'; United States, SOBO
Edge, Rachael 'Jetpack'; New York, United States, NOBO
Edge, Will 'Parkour'; New York, United States, NOBO
Edmundson, William 'Sole-less'; NRW, Germany, NOBO
Eggleton, Ally 'Buff'; CT, United States, NOBO
Egloff, Henry 'Hash'; SC, United States, SOBO
Eigenbrot, Owen 'AtHome'; California, United States, NOBO
van Eijsden, Sjors 'Dutch Tin Man'; Netherlands, NOBO
Eilenstine, Byron 'Jayhawk'; TN, United States, NOBO
Eisinger, Fabian 'Tux'; Bavaria, Germany, NOBO
Ellenwood, Thomas 'Tight Tights'; Iowa, United States, NOBO
Ellingsworth, Andrew 'Bloodbeard'; Georgia, United States, NOBO
Ellington, Teresa 'Scarface'; North Carolina, United States, NOBO
Ellington, David 'Cool Hand'; NC, United States, NOBO
Elliott, Duane 'Yolo'; North Carolina, United States, NOBO
Ellison, Jacob 'Grapefruit'; North Carolina, United States, NOBO
Ellsworth, Katherine 'Braveheart'; Alaska, United States, NOBO
Elphingstone, Grace 'Spillz'; Texas, United States, NOBO
Enciso, Livier ; CA, United States,
Eng, Jonathan 'Gyatso'; NJ, United States, NOBO
Engel, Eric '2E'; Michigan, United States, NOBO
Englot, Eric 'Melon'; New Jersey, United States, NOBO
Erickson/Sawyers, Thea 'Tater'; CO, United States, NOBO
Errickson, Austin ; TX, United States, NOBO
Estabrooks, Shelly 'Hummingbird'; NH, United States, NOBO
Estus, Chris 'Bone Spur - The Chappalachian'; TX, USA, Flip
Evans, Hannah 'Sherbet'; Tennessee, United States, NOBO
Ewig, Jon '2 Pack Jack'; Ohio, United States
Farmer, Taylor 'Amazing Grace'; NY, United States
FarrHenderson, Maya 'Crocs'; District Of Columbia, United States, NOBO
Farrell, Robert 'Papa Foxtrot'; Ohio, United States, NOBO
Fay, Myron 'TAPS'; Illinois, United States, NOBO
Feathers, Barry 'Jarry'; United States, NOBO
Feathers, Jenifer 'Ben'; PA, United States, NOBO
Feeley, Edward 'Guam Guy'; GU, Guam, NOBO
Fenemore, Akos 'Cinderella'; United Kingdom, NOBO
1 2 3 4 5 12
ATC Ribbon


Kyle 'Vintage' Cresap

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Samuel 'Richard' Crisp

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Cory 'Casper' Cristante

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tony 'Halfway to Nowhere' Cristofano

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Beth 'Left Field' Critton

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Charles 'Shrooms' Crombie

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrew 'Acoustic' Crosby

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Benjamin 'No Time' Crosier

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Courtland 'Bonehead' Crouchet

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Heckle' Crow

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ann 'Jeckle' Crow

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anne 'Phoenix' Crump

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jennifer 'Teouble' Cudd

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Taz 'Stitches' Cullen

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Julia 'Teardrop' Cunfer

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alyssa 'Broadway' Cunningham

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bill 'Bald Eagle' Curley

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Becca 'Downfall' Curry

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Jewel' Curry

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Galen 'Scarecrow' Curtis

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Mega' Curtis

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Trevor 'ICE MAN' Cutler

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Lil' John' Czartorijskij

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lauren 'Beanbag' Daley

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Timothy 'Tigger' Daley

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lyndsay 'Blackbird' Daley

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Fillin In' Dallmus

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


andrew 'Squirrely' Dancsecs

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tim 'Chef' Daniel

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brian 'Slipknot' Davidson

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shawn 'Kookey Moose' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dustin 'Clutch' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Tree Hugger' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brian 'Pegasus' Day

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sean 'CAPITAL' DeFeo

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Noah 'NaviGoat' DeGraaf

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lockett 'Lockett' DeGraaf

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zane 'CareBear' DeGraaf

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bruce 'Granddaddy Long Legs' DeHaan

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Paul 'Rookie' DeMaagd

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jason 'Rolo' DeVitto

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Russell 'Sushi Bat' Dear

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joseph 'Sleepy' Deason

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sam 'Big Dipper' Deeble

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tyler 'Red Dawn' Deem

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nicolas 'Kick' Delisle

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ally 'Chum' Dell

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elizabeth 'Worm' Denham

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Paul 'Paladin' Denoncourt

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew 'Special' Desrochers

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Francis 'Il Cuoco' DiGiano

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shelby 'Leapfrog' Diesen

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Desirae 'Des/Michigama' Dine

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sandolo 'Mad Hatter' Dinicola

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Breanna 'Mapz' Dionne

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Anna 'Rocks' Gomez Domenech

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Gregory 'Agony' Donoghue

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Steve 'Strider' Doorn

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William '' Dorsey

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Westin 'Fiddie' Douglas

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marina '' Douglas

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Benjamin 'Yueng' Doyle

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Johnny 'Jom' Drahos

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ralston 'Maverick' Drake

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nicole 'Strong Arm' Drapeau

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Ducky' DuBois

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jim 'Sojo' Duan

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Austin 'Macho Man' Duarte

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Adam 'Cinnabun' Dube

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marc 'Poptart' Duchesne

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Caroline 'Fern' Duffy

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Owen 'PeachFuzz' Duncan

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Brett '2x4' Dupras

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josiah 'Kayak' Durrell

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeremy 'Turn-Around' Dus

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rebecca 'Metric' Dutkowski

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Frank 'Heineken' Dutman

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Craig 'Crexit' Dyerson

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jessica 'Antelope' Dzialo

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Jello' Dzialoski

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Laura 'Crossroads' Dzubay

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Raphaëlle 'Mismatch' Désourdy

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bill 'StillBill' Eaton

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Darrell 'Old Stag' Eck

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Griffith 'Sandworm' Eddy

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Rachael 'Jetpack' Edge

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Will 'Parkour' Edge

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William 'Sole-less' Edmundson

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ally 'Buff' Eggleton

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Henry 'Hash' Egloff

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Owen 'AtHome' Eigenbrot

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Sjors 'Dutch Tin Man' van Eijsden

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Byron 'Jayhawk' Eilenstine

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Fabian 'Tux' Eisinger

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Tight Tights' Ellenwood

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrew 'Bloodbeard' Ellingsworth

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Teresa 'Scarface' Ellington

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Cool Hand' Ellington

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Duane 'Yolo' Elliott

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jacob 'Grapefruit' Ellison

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Katherine 'Braveheart' Ellsworth

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Grace 'Spillz' Elphingstone

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Livier '' Enciso

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jonathan 'Gyatso' Eng

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric '2E' Engel

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Eric 'Melon' Englot

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thea 'Tater' Erickson/Sawyers

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Austin '' Errickson

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shelly 'Hummingbird' Estabrooks

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Bone Spur - The Chappalachian' Estus

In recognition for hiking 2193.1 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Hannah 'Sherbet' Evans

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jon '2 Pack Jack' Ewig

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Taylor 'Amazing Grace' Farmer

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Maya 'Crocs' FarrHenderson

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Robert 'Papa Foxtrot' Farrell

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Myron 'TAPS' Fay

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Barry 'Jarry' Feathers

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jenifer 'Ben' Feathers

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Edward 'Guam Guy' Feeley

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Akos 'Cinderella' Fenemore

In recognition for hiking 2194.3 miles of the Appalachian Trail