Section-hikers and thru-hikers who complete the entire A.T. can report their journeys to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy by filling out the Appalachian Trail 2,000-Miler Application. Those who submit their applications will be added to our online roster of 2,000-milers and will receive a certificate of recognition, an A.T. patch, and an accompanying 2,000-miler “rocker” patch. Our complete online 2,000-miler listing of all years is updated periodically.

Danko, James 'Houdini'; OH, USA, Flip
Danyew, John 'ABENAKI'; VT, USA, Section
Dassoulas, Joe 'Flapjack'; MD, USA, SOBO
Davidson, Marla 'Fancy Feast'; VT, USA, NOBO
Davini, Nicholas 'Lord Hobo'; NH, USA, Flip
Davis, Joshua 'Trashcan'; MD, USA, NOBO
Davis, David 'ADD'; AL, USA, NOBO
Davis, Toney 'Willey Long Shadow'; TN, USA, NOBO
Dawson, Aubrey 'Rabbit Foot'; PA, USA, NOBO
Day, Julie 'Deer Song'; AL, USA, Section
DeClercq, Mark 'Slip 'n Slide'; MI, USA, Flip
DeFrancesc, Mike 'Capone'; MN, USA, SOBO
DeMeule, Dave 'Wanderer'; ME, USA, SOBO
DeSantis, David 'Double D'; MA, USA, NOBO
Deal, Nathan 'Whoosh'; TN, USA, NOBO
Dearinger, Jeremiah 'Cave Man'; TN, USA, Flip
Debusschere, Benjamin 'Buttons'; MI, USA, NOBO
Defer, Chuck 'Early'; OH, USA, NOBO
Delude, Mark 'AG'; CT, USA, Flip
Demeku-Ousman, Amar 'Bolt'; MB, CANADA, NOBO
Demel, Annette 'Wander Women'; CO, USA, NOBO
T. DesChamps, Matthew ; NC, USA, NOBO
Deutsch, Jessica 'Turbo Snail'; MN, USA, NOBO
Devine, Tarah 'Burgers'; PA, USA, Flip
Devine, Patrick 'Beer'; PA, USA, Flip
Devlin, Nick 'Boom'; MA, USA, Flip
Dexter, Jack 'Smokey'; , UNITED KINGDOM, SOBO
Diemler, Kyle 'Cake'; OH, USA, NOBO
Diggs, Thomas 'Tennessee'; TN, USA, NOBO
Dimitroff, Lucy 'Plumorchard'; NS, CANADA, NOBO
Dobbie, Scott 'Target'; , UNITED KINGDOM, NOBO
Docka, Jamie 'Gourmet'; WI, USA, NOBO
Dodge, David 'Maverick'; WI, USA, NOBO
Dollard, Deborah 'SunDial'; ME, USA, NOBO
Domotor, Alec 'NASH'; MD, USA, NOBO
Donnan, Ben 'Ozy'; SC, USA, NOBO
Dooling, TJ 'Tijuana'; CT, USA, NOBO
Douthat, Dale 'Navigator'; TN, USA, Section
Dow, Elaine 'Which/Witch-Way'; ME, USA, Section
Dowdle, Ryan 'Pineapple'; NC, USA, Flip
Drake, Christopher 'Duck'; MI, USA, NOBO
Drees, Bruce 'Badass'; VA, USA, Section
Drury, Thornton 'Redline'; NM, USA, NOBO
Dugan, Nami ; AE, USA, Section
Dugan, Barry ; AE, USA, Section
Duink, Scott 'Sarasota Scott'; FL, USA, NOBO
Dunbar, Annabelle 'Tinkerbell and Peter Pan'; FL, USA, NOBO
Duncanson, William 'Summit'; NH, USA, Section
Dunford, Michael 'Honey Bun'; VA, USA, NOBO
Dunn, Riley 'Fitbit'; IA, USA, SOBO
Dupont, Richard 'Goat'; FL, USA, NOBO
Dupras, John 'Trigger'; VA, USA, Flip
Duprow, Chris 'Polar Bear'; OH, USA, NOBO
Dyer, Alex 'Red Wiggler'; OH, USA, NOBO
Dziewiatkowska, Agnes 'Timon'; ON, CANADA, NOBO
Eanes, Samuel 'TreeBreaker'; GA, USA, SOBO
Easter, Josh 'Eldorado'; OH, USA, NOBO
Eastman, Will 'Flipper'; GA, USA, NOBO
Edmiston, Lynn 'Wander Women'; CO, USA, NOBO
Egan, Daniel 'Wicked'; MA, USA, NOBO
Eggleston, Nate 'Rabid Raccoon'; MS, USA, NOBO
Elswick, Dawn 'Stormtrooper/Stormy'; MO, USA, NOBO
Empel, David 'Hardy'; NJ, USA, Flip
Empel, Janine 'Matador'; NJ, USA, Flip
Enders, Ashley 'Boomer'; IL, USA, NOBO
Erkes, Mary 'déjà vu'; TX, USA, Flip
Erkes, Gary 'Hopscotch'; TX, USA, Flip
Jo Ernenwein, Amy 'Which Way'; NY, USA, NOBO
Esbin, Allison 'Forrest'; PA, USA, NOBO
Estee, Stephen 'Skip'; MA, USA, Section
Estrada, John 'Papa John'; AL, USA, NOBO
Van Etten, JC 'Catmando'; FL, USA, NOBO
Evans, Will 'Jeopardy'; VA, USA, NOBO
Ewing, Lincoln 'Hat Trick'; NC, USA, NOBO
Farmer, Cameron 'LaF'; NC, USA, NOBO
Farnsworth, Neil '7th Rocket'; LA, USA, NOBO
Fattorini, Peter 'Space Rock'; MA, USA, NOBO
Feeney, Kari 'Stitcher'; OR, USA, Flip
Fellers, Andrew 'Mange'; MI, USA, SOBO
Fellers, Katerina 'The Wizard'; IN, USA, SOBO
Fernandez, Gelasio 'Halo'; FL, USA, NOBO
Ferrara, Chris 'Workshop'; NY, USA, NOBO
Fiedler, Kristen 'Sidewinder'; CT, USA, NOBO
Filor, Glenn 'No Keys'; TX, USA, NOBO
Finney, William 'Locks'; CO, USA, NOBO
Fischer, Alex 'Whiskey Peach'; NY, USA, NOBO
Fisher, Bradford 'Spacey'; TN, USA, NOBO
FitzGerald, Evan 'Peach Fuzz'; FL, USA, NOBO
FitzPatrick, Joanne 'Birkie'; WI, USA, NOBO
Fitzgerald, Justina 'Unicorn'; NH, USA, NOBO
Fitzgerald, Ted 'J-Rock'; NH, USA, NOBO
Fitzpatrick, Benjamin 'Blacksmith'; ME, USA, NOBO
Fitzpatrick, John 'Spark Notes'; NC, USA, SOBO
Fleetwood, Cheryl 'Tigerlily'; OH, USA, NOBO
Fleming, Laura 'Moxie'; MA, USA, NOBO
Fleming, Tony 'Big Chief'; MO, USA, NOBO
Flippo, Kyle 'Snap'; GA, USA, NOBO
Flores, Mariesa 'Skeetr'; IN, USA, SOBO
Floyd, John 'Survivor'; TX, USA, NOBO
Fontana, Kathy 'Downhill'; MD, United States, NOBO
Forster, Günter 'Reset'; , GERMANY, NOBO
Forster, Kristin 'Ding Dong'; , GERMANY, NOBO
Foster, Drew 'Trunks'; GA, USA, NOBO
Foster, Stephen 'Endgame'; VA, USA, Flip
Foster, Shane '5-Plate'; PA, USA, NOBO
Fournier, Marianne 'Frenchy'; QC, CANADA, NOBO
Fowler, Allison 'Belly'; GA, USA, NOBO
Fowler, Jessica '1st Gear'; GA, USA, NOBO
Fox, Jacob 'Scribbles'; GA, USA, NOBO
Fox, Nicole 'Oats'; ME, USA, NOBO
Franks, Kyle 'Wildcard'; NC, USA, NOBO
Freeman, Laurie 'Lady Dundee'; NY, USA, Flip
Freeman, Andrea 'Letters'; NH, USA, NOBO
Freeman, Curtis 'G-Negative'; OH, United States, SOBO
Fricchione, Michael 'McFly'; NJ, USA, NOBO
Fritz, Terrance 'Flip Switch'; MN, USA, Flip
Fugere, Zack 'Little Bear'; ON, CANADA, NOBO
Fuller, Garner 'Survivor'; GA, USA, NOBO
Funt, Devon 'Wildlife'; PA, USA, NOBO
Gaechter, Guy 'Django'; CA, USA, NOBO
1 2 3 4 5 10
ATC Ribbon


James 'Houdini' Danko

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'ABENAKI' Danyew

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joe 'Flapjack' Dassoulas

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marla 'Fancy Feast' Davidson

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nicholas 'Lord Hobo' Davini

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joshua 'Trashcan' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'ADD' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Toney 'Willey Long Shadow' Davis

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Aubrey 'Rabbit Foot' Dawson

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Julie 'Deer Song' Day

In recognition for hiking 2190.9 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'Slip 'n Slide' DeClercq

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mike 'Capone' DeFrancesc

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dave 'Wanderer' DeMeule

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Double D' DeSantis

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nathan 'Whoosh' Deal

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jeremiah 'Cave Man' Dearinger

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Benjamin 'Buttons' Debusschere

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chuck 'Early' Defer

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mark 'AG' Delude

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Amar 'Bolt' Demeku-Ousman

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Annette 'Wander Women' Demel

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Matthew '' T. DesChamps

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jessica 'Turbo Snail' Deutsch

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tarah 'Burgers' Devine

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Patrick 'Beer' Devine

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nick 'Boom' Devlin

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jack 'Smokey' Dexter

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyle 'Cake' Diemler

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thomas 'Tennessee' Diggs

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lucy 'Plumorchard' Dimitroff

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Scott 'Target' Dobbie

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jamie 'Gourmet' Docka

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Maverick' Dodge

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Deborah 'SunDial' Dollard

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alec 'NASH' Domotor

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ben 'Ozy' Donnan

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


TJ 'Tijuana' Dooling

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dale 'Navigator' Douthat

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Elaine 'Which/Witch-Way' Dow

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ryan 'Pineapple' Dowdle

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Christopher 'Duck' Drake

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bruce 'Badass' Drees

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Thornton 'Redline' Drury

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nami '' Dugan

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Barry '' Dugan

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Scott 'Sarasota Scott' Duink

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Annabelle 'Tinkerbell and Peter Pan' Dunbar

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William 'Summit' Duncanson

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'Honey Bun' Dunford

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Riley 'Fitbit' Dunn

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Richard 'Goat' Dupont

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Trigger' Dupras

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Polar Bear' Duprow

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alex 'Red Wiggler' Dyer

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Agnes 'Timon' Dziewiatkowska

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Samuel 'TreeBreaker' Eanes

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Josh 'Eldorado' Easter

In recognition for hiking 2190.9 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Will 'Flipper' Eastman

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lynn 'Wander Women' Edmiston

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Daniel 'Wicked' Egan

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nate 'Rabid Raccoon' Eggleston

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Dawn 'Stormtrooper/Stormy' Elswick

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


David 'Hardy' Empel

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Janine 'Matador' Empel

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ashley 'Boomer' Enders

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mary 'déjà vu' Erkes

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Gary 'Hopscotch' Erkes

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Amy 'Which Way' Jo Ernenwein

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Allison 'Forrest' Esbin

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'Skip' Estee

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Papa John' Estrada

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


JC 'Catmando' Van Etten

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Will 'Jeopardy' Evans

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Lincoln 'Hat Trick' Ewing

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Cameron 'LaF' Farmer

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Neil '7th Rocket' Farnsworth

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Peter 'Space Rock' Fattorini

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kari 'Stitcher' Feeney

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrew 'Mange' Fellers

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Katerina 'The Wizard' Fellers

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Gelasio 'Halo' Fernandez

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Chris 'Workshop' Ferrara

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kristen 'Sidewinder' Fiedler

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Glenn 'No Keys' Filor

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


William 'Locks' Finney

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Alex 'Whiskey Peach' Fischer

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Bradford 'Spacey' Fisher

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Evan 'Peach Fuzz' FitzGerald

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Joanne 'Birkie' FitzPatrick

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Justina 'Unicorn' Fitzgerald

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Ted 'J-Rock' Fitzgerald

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Benjamin 'Blacksmith' Fitzpatrick

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Spark Notes' Fitzpatrick

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Cheryl 'Tigerlily' Fleetwood

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Laura 'Moxie' Fleming

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Tony 'Big Chief' Fleming

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyle 'Snap' Flippo

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Mariesa 'Skeetr' Flores

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


John 'Survivor' Floyd

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kathy 'Downhill' Fontana

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Günter 'Reset' Forster

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kristin 'Ding Dong' Forster

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Drew 'Trunks' Foster

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Stephen 'Endgame' Foster

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Shane '5-Plate' Foster

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Marianne 'Frenchy' Fournier

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Allison 'Belly' Fowler

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jessica '1st Gear' Fowler

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Jacob 'Scribbles' Fox

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Nicole 'Oats' Fox

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Kyle 'Wildcard' Franks

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Laurie 'Lady Dundee' Freeman

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Andrea 'Letters' Freeman

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Curtis 'G-Negative' Freeman

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Michael 'McFly' Fricchione

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Terrance 'Flip Switch' Fritz

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Zack 'Little Bear' Fugere

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Garner 'Survivor' Fuller

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Devon 'Wildlife' Funt

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail

ATC Ribbon


Guy 'Django' Gaechter

In recognition for hiking 2192 miles of the Appalachian Trail