Sahejveer Bhatia
Next Generation Advisory Council Member
Sahejveer is a water/wastewater engineer for AECOM. He is currently working on a resiliency project for NYC’s wastewater treatment plants.
His undergraduate degree is in chemical engineering.
His first experience on the trails was through Groundwork Hudson Valley. He participated in trail clearing programs and constructed a bridge over a pond in Lenoir Nature Preserve in Yonkers, NY. As a result, he was chosen to represent Groundwork at Yellowstone National Park through their collaboration with the National Park Service (NPS). There, he took part in demolition and construction projects. This experience was a life changing experience as he participated in tasks he had never thought of before. Moreover, he was able to find himself spending time on the trails more than ever and knew right away that he wanted to stay close to the trails in any way possible. Being a part of NextGen is special to him: “It is my chance to use my knowledge and experience to give back to a community that took me in as a raw high school student and gave me something to be excited about.”