Rich Cady
May 2019

In April of 2015, Rich Cady was fearless in taking on the role of Trails Committee Secretary for the Appalachian Mountain Clubs (AMC) Connecticut Chapter. Cady explains that the role was simply similar to the work he performs as Chapter Secretary. As work Party Coordinator, Cady collects information on work trips being hosted on the Connecticut section of the A.T and posts essential event details to the AMC-CT website. Cady takes the time to create each event description with a passionate drive and a stroke of humor to help attract more stewards of the Appalachian Trail. Dave Boone, Committee Chair, explains “Rich does much for the Connecticut A.T. Committee.”
In 2009, Cady became a regular work trip participant, as well as a section maintainer for the A.T between Pine Knob and West Cornwall Rd. in Sharon, CT. Cady goes on to state “I really enjoy the company, camaraderie, and fun with my fellow Connecticut A.T. volunteers… their devotion to the Trail and the years of service they have provided is truly inspiring.” He has since volunteered on AMC trail crews in Acadia National Park and the 100 Mile Wilderness in Maine gaining valuable trail skills and lifetime experiences.
Cady first experienced the Appalachian Trail as a college counselor leading a group of teens on a week long YMCA backpacking trip from New York to Massachusetts. While he remembers the Trail following a different path in 1975 he still finds himself giving back to the Trails he enjoys. After later retiring as scoutmaster of his local Boy Scouts Troop, and hiking with the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC), Cady was pleased to find an outlet for his passion of volunteering and his love for the Trail after joining the Connecticut Chapters Trail Committee for one of their fall work trips in 2009.
Cady has always loved the outdoors and has enjoyed hiking sections of the Trail in New England as well as in Virginia and the Smokies. Cady goes on to say “It feels good to give back in a direct way to our Nation’s premier long distance hiking trail so that others can enjoy it as well.”