Jerry Kyle
High Country Regional Manager

Jerry serves the Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Trail Maintaining Clubs and cooperative management partners in the High Country region of southwest Virginia and East Tennessee, and is the program manager for the Konnarock Volunteer Trail Crew.
Jerry began volunteering with Konnarock in 2003, also serving with the Rocky Top and Mid-Atlantic crews for eleven seasons. He became Konnarock crew leader in 2014, serving in that role for eight seasons plus four at Mid-Atlantic. Jerry’s previous careers include nine years with multiple West Virginia State Parks in construction and maintenance; and 42 years as a paramedic in Emergency Medical Services in multiple roles, including ground and flight paramedic and multiple local, regional, and state directorships.
Jerry hails from West Virginia where he lives on five wooded acres with his wife Rachel and their two cats. He holds a bachelor’s degree in organizational leadership, management & development.