Hazel Platt
Next Generation Advisory Council Member

I am a queer/trans long-distance hiker and public lands enthusiast. I “found” the outdoors at age 23 and decided to leave the tech industry because I believe that responsible stewardship of natural resources is critical for a sustainable and equitable future. In 2019, I graduated from Penn State University with my degree in Recreation, Park and Tourism Management and immediately began my thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail. In the last four years, I have logged more than 4,000 miles of long-distance backpacking as well as working throughout the outdoor industry as a climbing guide, backpacking guide, wilderness ranger, and field instructor for teens with ADHD and learning disabilities. My understanding of my identity as a queer person has been very much influenced by my time on long trails and I hope to help make these spaces more welcoming for queer/trans people and people of all backgrounds.