Emily Mayo
Damascus Trail Center Supervisor
Emily joined the ATC in November 2020 becoming the first Damascus Trail Center Supervisor. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Eastern Kentucky University in Park and Recreation Administration with an emphasis in Natural Resources and Recreation Management. The now Damascus resident has an experienced background in regional tourism, outdoor recreation, and a love for rural communities. She began her outdoor recreation career in Fayetteville, West Virginia at Adventures on the Gorge. During her time at Adventures, she led areal operations, assisted with team building initiatives and group sales, and managed the aquatics facilities. In 2016, Emily discovered a new opportunity in the small town of Damascus, VA. This career gave Emily the chance to return to the community she most enjoyed while on a section hike in college. She accepted the position as Tourism Development Specialist with Friends of Southwest Virginia and began developing outdoor recreation initiatives, building community capacity, and serving as a facilitator.