Caitlin Miller
Information Services Manager

Caitlin was first introduced to the A.T. after high school and has been involved with the Trail ever since. After several section hikes on the Trail, Caitlin began working for the Green Mountain Club (GMC) in Vermont as a backcountry caretaker, Group Outreach Coordinator, and field assistant along the Trail. She’s continued to be involved with the GMC as a volunteer and joined the ATC’s Next Generation Advisory Council in 2018.
After earning her BA in English from Bishop’s University in Sherbrooke, QC, Caitlin worked for a youth-focused AmeriCorps program and then in administration at a small, environmentally focused college before joining ATC staff. As the Information Services Manager with ATC, Caitlin loves introducing people to the Trail and helping them access all it has to offer.
Caitlin lives with her husband and pup in central Vermont and enjoys exploring the beautiful Green Mountains with them both.