Birge Dayton

Birge Dayton of Coventry, CT, passed away on January 15, 2011. Birge was a faithful and enthusiastic Trailsman. He was a AMC White Mountain Trails Section Leader as well as a Section Maintainer on the A.T. in Connecticut for many years. In 1989, Birge became the CT-A.T. Open Space Coordinator. He served as the A.T. Liaison to the Connecticut Forest & Parks Association. Birge was the AMC-CT Trails Committee Chairman from 1995-1997. Following that commitment, Birge became the Committee’s Structures Coordinator. In this role, although he preferred bridge design, he designed and oversaw the construction of many moldering privies which now are in service along the A.T. in Connecticut. He proudly was our “Privy King”. Birge was also heavily involved in trail matters with the Connecticut Forest and Park Association, and the Joshua’s Tract Land Trust in eastern Connecticut. Birge was a modest and humble man, and will be dearly missed.
Anonymous @ 1/31/2011 8:06:06 AM
Birge was a wonderful man and a great worker… I remember his large hands, strong back and willingness to take on any job no matter how dirty or difficult. He will be missed. Bob Proudman
Anonymous @ 2/14/2011 6:08:47 PM
I spent a few years coleading the mowing projects in CT with Birge. He was fun to work with, intentionally and sometimes not, a real character, but always had a great deal of pride in what he did. It was important to him. I always enjoyed his company. It is sad that he is gone, but there is alot of good things out there on the AT and other trails that exist because of him.
Bob Poitras