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Rocky Top Trail Crew
Experience the Appalachian Trail from a new perspective with the Rocky Top Trail Crew, which works and camps in Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
The 70 miles of the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park cross the Trail’s highest point and traverse the most diverse ecosystem and the largest roadless area along the Trail. Half of the A.T. in the Park is open to horse use, and the crew’s current work involves reconstructing those sections where horses and hikers share the Trail. Because this portion of the Trail also receives so much rainfall annually, there is a lot of work to be done to repair the A.T. where significant erosion has compromised the tread way.
The Rocky Top Trail Crew backpacks up Snake Den Ridge Trail, a strenuous 6-mile hike with a steady 3,500-foot elevation gain, before accessing the A.T. for another 3.8 miles southbound to the field camp at Tricorner Knob Shelter. In total, crew members will hike 9.8 miles to reach the field camp. Crew members carry almost everything they need, but they will receive some support from equestrian partners with carrying tools and food into the mountains. Crew volunteers should expect to carry between 35 – 45 lbs on their backs and may also need to hand-carry some tools.
Trail Angels
The 2016 Rocky Top Crew was featured in one of the myATstory videos. Trail Angels provides a glimpse of what it’s like to be a part of this amazing crew!

Base Camp
Soak Ash Base Camp is located near Gatlinburg, Tennessee. We ask volunteers to arrive between noon and 3 p.m. on the first day of their session for introductions, orientation, gear shakedown and checkout, dinner, and a safety talk.
Soak Ash has bunkrooms, bathrooms, and showers. We have bottom sheets for the beds and pillows, but plan on bringing a towel, washcloth, soap, and shampoo. We do have laundry facilities and laundry detergent.
Crew members with an interest in joining more than one session of crew are invited to stay at Soak Ash and are asked to consider it a work-for-stay opportunity.

Essential Volunteer Functions
Essential functions include:
- Backpacking and hiking long distances on challenging terrain carrying required personal gear and group gear, tools, and safety equipment (20%). Hiking pace should be 2 mph in this strenuous mountainous terrain.
- Remember: The hike to the crew campsite at the start of each session will be nearly 10 miles in length over challenging terrain with more than 3,500 feet in elevation gain. Depending on the weight of your personal gear, you could carry between 30 and 45 lbs to the crew field camp.
- Performing trail work (65%), which includes maintaining water features, installing erosion control features, and moving heavy logs.
- Managing backcountry camp (15%), including sharing in duties associated with preparing, cooking, and cleaning up from meals, maintaining sanitation at camp and worksite, cleaning and storing group tools and gear, and other tasks to cooperatively share in work of the entire crew.
In addition to those functions, volunteers who see the greatest success:
- Have enthusiasm for the experience
- Possess an ability to get along with and work cooperatively with others
- Keep safety top of mind
- Have a desire to work hard
- And arrive with a level of fitness appropriate to perform the volunteer job functions
Crew Week & Qualifications/Requirements
Crew Week
Because its work sites are so remote, the Rocky Top Crew has an eight-day-on schedule. Please note that Rocky Top Crew involves a long hike to the crew campsite and seven nights of minimal-impact backcountry camping. From the crew camp in the field, volunteers take day hikes of up to 2.5 miles one way to reach the project area, where they will install steps and water features to the existing tread to divert water and reduce erosion and off-trail trampling. On the eighth day, the crew hikes out from the field and back to Soak Ash base camp, cleans gear and tools, and has dinner followed by a recognition ceremony.
Volunteers must be physically and mentally ready for the challenges of crew life.
Due to the strenuous nature of Rocky Top, we ask volunteers to affirm that they are able to perform the below physical assessment. Be sure to complete this physical assessment in the comfort of your home before heading to Soak Ash Base Camp.
Baseline Fitness Test – Required
- Hike 1.5 miles in 40 minutes or less carrying a 30-pound backpack (cardio fitness and overall strength)
Baseline Fitness Test – Choose three:
- Complete at least 15 pushups in 1 minute (upper body strength)
- Complete at least 20 air squats in 1 minute (lower body and core strength)
- Hold a one-minute plank (core strength)
- Complete at least 25 sit-ups in 1 minute (core strength)
- Stand on each foot for 20 seconds (balance and coordination)

The ATC Will Provide
- All necessary tools with training by professional crew leaders
- Hard hats, eye protection, gloves, and shin guards
- Loaner camping gear such as sleeping bags, sleeping pads, tents, and backpacks
- All group and kitchen necessities including stove and mess kit, tables, and water filtration
- Plenty of high-energy food
- Off-day housing for multi-week volunteers
- Transportation to and from the Trailhead

Are You Crew Fit?
It’s not advisable to participate on a Trail Crew to “get fit.” In order to help volunteers prepare for a rigorous week of trail work, ATC partnered with a Kinesiology student at Lynchburg College to develop a training program to help volunteers arrive fit for the demands of crew life.

Contact us
Give us a call at 828.348.1911 or send an email to crews@appalachiantrail.org with any questions.