A.T. Miles in State
Easy to Challenging
Elevation Range in Feet
Virginia has the distinction of having more miles of the A.T. than any other state—nearly a quarter of the Trail’s entire length. The Trail also travels through the history-filled, rolling mountains of Shenandoah National Park.
NOTICE: The McAfee Knob Trailhead parking lot is temporarily closed for construction of a new pedestrian bridge. The parking lot is expected to re-open once bridge construction is completed in late 2024.
Roanoke County has partnered with Ride Source to provide a shuttle service to the McAfee Knob Appalachian Trail trailhead in Virginia, providing easier parking options for your visit.
Photo courtesy of Roanoke County, Virginia
More of the A.T. passes through Virginia than any other state, and views from overlooks reveal pastoral scenes that are a mix of forest and farmland. In Shenandoah National Park, you can cross the A.T. more than 30 times without getting out of your car.
The A.T. in southwest Virginia sustained severe damage in fall of 2024 from Hurricane Helene. Learn about current conditions, closures, and important safety information before heading out to the Trail in this section.
Shenandoah National Park, with approximately 100 miles of well-maintained Trail and climbs rarely exceeding 500 or 1,000 feet, is great for beginners. Remember, though, that backcountry permits are required when camping in the park. Permits must be obtained in advance on Recreation.gov.
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy, Virginia Department of Transportation, National Park Service, Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club, Roanoke County and the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission have partnered to construct a new pedestrian bridge to carry the A.T. over Route 311 in Roanoke County. Currently scheduled for completion late 2024, this major project will significantly increase visitor safety at one of the most popular A.T. access points.
The Potomac Appalachian Trail Club (PATC) has enhanced the mid-Atlantic outdoor experience since 1927, including 240 miles of the Appalachian Trail in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania. The PATC maintains trails, shelters and cabins, and they make maps and guidebooks for outdoor adventurers. Learn more and become a member today at patc.net.
The Old Dominion Appalachian Trail Club (ODATC) is an organization of individuals and trail-related organizations who meet to recreate in the outdoors in various ways as well as act as stewards of a portion of the Appalachian Trail and the public lands it runs through. Our recreational endeavors focus on hiking in Virginia but includes biking, paddling and touring as well. Learn more and become a member today at olddominiontrailclub.onefireplace.org.
The Tidewater Appalachian Trail Club (TATC) is an energetic group, open to individuals and families, whose primary purpose is to maintain a 10+ mile section of the Appalachian Trail (AT). The Club is centered in Norfolk, VA, and draws membership from Hampton Roads and the surrounding areas. Learn more and become a member today at tidewateratc.com.
Natural Bridge Appalachian Trail Club (NBATC) is a volunteer based hiking club that provides opportunities for recreational hiking on the Appalachian Trail(A.T.) and other trails in central Virginia. NBATC volunteers maintain over 90 miles of the A.T. as well as other hiking trails in central Virginia for the benefit of current and future hikers. Learn more and become a member today at home.nbatc.org.
The Outdoor Club at Virginia Tech is a diverse group of outdoor enthusiasts comprised of undergraduate, and graduate students and other members of the Blacksburg community. The goal of the club is to get our members outside and active both physically and socially. The A.T. north of Pearisburg (including Rice Field / Peters Mountain) is maintained by OCVT.
The members of the Roanoke Appalachian Trail Club, founded in 1932, are avid hikers and backpackers. We love the outdoors and we get out and hike and enjoy the trails of western Virginia as much as possible. Our club also maintains 120 miles of the Appalachian Trail as well as 16 shelters along the trail. We welcome guests to come along on our hikes. We usually have two group hikes each week. The A.T. south of Pearisburg (including Angels Rest / Pearis Mountain) is maintained by RATC.
Piedmont Appalachian Trail Hikers, is a nonprofit trail club that maintains a section of the Appalachian Trail in southwest Virginia. PATH’s members live in North Carolina and Virginia, with the majority living between Charlotte, NC and Raleigh, NC. PATH also offers hiking and outreach opportunities. Learn more and become a member today at path-at.org.
The Mount Rogers Appalachian Trail Club maintains 59.4 miles of the Appalachian Trail from the TN/VA line north to the South Fork of the Holston bridge, Rte. 670, in Teas, VA. The club welcomes guests on Trail work trips and recreational hikes. Visit www.mratc.org for schedule and more information.
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is always looking for dedicated volunteers to help maintain the A.T. and assist in our visitor centers and headquarters. Opportunities range from greeting visitors and providing information about local hikes to joining a Trail crew for week-long maintenance trips, gaining first-hand experience in what it takes to keep the A.T. open and enjoyable for millions each year. Learn more at appalachiantrail.org/volunteer.
Wide-open views, crisp air and solitude make for a cool hike, but when winter hiking, being prepared is key.
Wherever you are on the Appalachian Trail, birds offer sweet companionship. Yet, as hiker numbers soar, bird populations tumble.
Wide-open vistas beyond the footpath offer respite and are essential to the Wild East.